30 Millennials Share The Life Lessons Their Parents Ingrained In Them That Ended Up As Useless

Needless to say, many things we do as kids—as grown-ups later in life, even—come from our upbringing and the things our parents instill in us. And while most of them typically try their best at being parents, some of their values or beliefs might be questionable at best.

For instance, telling your child that perfectionism should always be the standard might not be a healthy approach, nor arguably is encouraging them to work day, night, and weekends to show their dedication. These are just a couple of examples millennials shared while discussing the things their parents ingrained in them that they later realized were ridiculous. Scroll down to find more on the list below and see just what bizarre beliefs some parents want their children to follow.

Below you will also find We’s interview with a clinical psychologist and a professor of psychology at the University of Mary Washington, Miriam Liss, who was kind enough to answer a few of our questions about parental influence.


That perfectionism is the standard. Things aren’t worth doing unless you do them so thoroughly and perfectly that you basically are never done editing. helllllloooooo burnout


Being a member of the clean plate club is not the badge of honor I was told it was


My dad convinced me that “unions suck”, either because “dues” or “lazy workers” or “they’re all left wing”

Then I got into a union, and the monthly dues are a drop in the bucket compared to my old non-union wages, the wages are high enough that everyone is happy to bust a*s if it’s ever actually necessary or beneficial to bust a*s, and the group is generally pretty politically diverse.

Union elections matter as much as actual elections once you’re in one. I’m far more concerned about who my union stewards and BAs are than actual politicians.

Discussing people’s habits and behavior, Miriam Liss, professor of psychology at the University of Mary Washington, pointed out that they are typically shaped by numerous factors, parental influence being one of them.

“Parent influence is significant but not the only significant influence for children. Genetics also matter, as do influences outside of the family; peers, for example,” she told We in a recent interview.

“Nevertheless, parents can instill both behavioral patterns and values in their children that can have a long-lasting influence,” the expert continued. “Many aspects of a child’s behavior are shaped by what we expect of them and what behaviors are reinforced by the family.”

“Parents can also impact what is valued by children. Do parents notice and praise how a child looks or are they more likely to give children praise and attention when they are demonstrating kindness to others? Through selective attention and reinforcement, parents can communicate what is important and valued in their family.”


That you must have a “valid” reason for everything you do. “Because I want to” or “because it makes me happy” are not valid reasons.


That I don’t need to learn to cook or do laundry because “my wife will do that stuff when I get married”. I went off to college having no clue how to do laundry and I didn’t learn how to do the most basic of cooking until my 20s. My three year old literally helps with laundry and cooking more than I ever got to do my 18 years of living at home.

While parental influence does play a significant role, as kids age, it is possible for them to break free of certain behaviors instilled in them by their parents. (That’s likely why people who’ve shared their stories in the thread eventually realized how ridiculous theirs were.)

“Children change all the time, so one could argue that they are never fully ‘set’,” Prof. Liss suggested. “We can always change the expectations we make of our children and that is actually appropriate as children age. For example, you wouldn’t expect a young child to help cook a meal or do their own laundry, but you might expect an older child or teen to do these things.”


I was told, over and over, “Just wait until you are a parent!! Then you will understand!!” Now I’m a parent and have fully concluded they were just trying to mask their insecurities with gaslighting.


Being called ‘mature for my age’ / ‘old soul’ was not a gold star, it was because I had no personality other than gaining the approval of parental figures. I always existed for other people, grew up way too fast, and set impossible standards for myself. My late twenties have been fun as I try to figure out who the hell I am now.


Hmm… The sort of “Sanctity” of family. Like, just because you are blood related, you somehow need to bend over backwards for them. Don’t get me wrong, I love my family and that includes the ones I don’t see often. That said, some of them are total pricks.. And I would bend over backwards for people I work with that are kind long before I would them. You don’t get a pass just because we are related. ^^;

According to Miriam Liss, if a habit has been ingrained and people want to change it, they need to be consistent and calm about it. “For example, if you [as a parent] have allowed your child to snack before dinner and then you decide you don’t want that behavior anymore, your child might object and complain and you might be tempted to give up and let them snack. However, if you are calm and consistent and explain the reason behind the new rule, eventually even ingrained behaviors can be changed.

“Other things may be harder to change, especially if you don’t realize how you have influenced your child. For example, if you have focused most of your praise on how your child looks, your child may put a high value on their appearance and this may be difficult to change,” she added.

However, according to Liss, even such messages are not set in stone, as both parents and children learn and grow. “As children age they will make their own decisions about whether or not they want to keep the values their family has instilled in them or whether they want to value other things.”


Mental health isn’t real.


Respect your elders.

A lot of old people are s**t.


That using public safety net programs made you a bad person. Food stamps, WIC, and Medicaid were for people that were completely morally bankrupt and would never make anything of themselves.

While the things that adults in the family consider important and want to ingrain in their children differ with each household, some are arguably universally favorable. According to Prof. Liss, these include a foundational belief that the kids are loved and a belief that it is OK to try difficult things and that growth can happen through failure.

While expanding on the former, the expert pointed out that parents who are warm and caring can help instill a basic sense that a child is worthy of love and attention. That can help the offspring form a secure attachment style, which can bring numerous long-lasting benefits.

Discussing the latter, Dr. Liss emphasized that some parents communicate to their children that they must succeed at all costs and this can make children averse to taking risks and trying new things. “Instead, parents could try to communicate that people grow when they try hard things and that a lot of learning can come from failing and trying again. This can help children cope with challenging situations with strength and resilience.”


Someone’s salary reflects both their intelligence and worth as a person, eg the higher salary the a smarter, better person


College = success/money.



You must conform and appear “normal”, otherwise someone might judge you as “weird” and that’s just the worst thing that could possibly happen .


Make sure to tell your boss that you want to work all the weekends, evenings and holidays so that they know you really care about your job.


That EMTs care about your bra and underwear matching.


Other people’s perception of you was always more important than what you wanted or how you expressed yourself. My grandparents pushed that a lot so I understand where it came from, but once I got older I realized how damaging it was.


That the beatings she doled out as discipline always hurt her more than how she had hurt us.


Gendered chores. My husband and I do not observe those rules


Saving the best for last.
Whether it’s beer, food, or a nice soap someone gave as a gift.
My mom would hoard them until they were ancient and no longer in fresh enough condition to enjoy properly. Now I have the best thing first and enjoy it to its fullest potential.


Purity culture


My dad had a*s hole humor. Like being a jerk is funny. I was an innocent a*s hole to people for a long time. My boyfriend in college would point it out and I was like “what are you talking about?” And it was literally the only thing that straightened me out.

My dad came from an abusive home as a child and as recently cooled his jets in his older age. I think he was unaware and his mom came from an extremely abusive household. Like- she had red hair and they sent her to a farm away from the family and beat her all the time. The other siblings got to live at home.

My college boyfriend came from an abusive household just like me (his dad was an alcoholic, my mom was an alcoholic) so we kinda understood each other and called out each other’s a*s hole-ness all the time.

My husband and I have also worked on it. My husband came from a religious family who shamed as a form of punishment, also pretty abusive. It’s taken years, therapy, and many books, but I think it’s over.

Coming from a tough family takes so long to realize “hey, that’s not normal. That’s being an a*s hole. No wonder I have no friends!” We’ll be raising our son with kindness and not being AHs.

Also, Reddit. I think getting dunked on by you guys all the time made me realize how much of an AH I was too. It hurts, but it’s needed.

Generational trauma! So fun!


Men don’t feel emotions 🥲


My parents engrained in me that I absolutely cannot waste food. So, I have a psychological obsession with eating everything from my plate, even if I was already full. Now, when my children didn’t finish their plates, I’d have the urge to finish for them instead of throwing the leftovers away.

It’s really unhealthy, literally.


Calling everyday when you apply for a job, totally horses**t but I f****n did it for like 5 years after leaving home. Anything concerning work culture honestly


Destroying documents. I cant just shred them, i have to run them under water, cover them with soap, and put them in 3 separate garbage cans. Thanks dad.


“Therapists just find ways to blame the parents”


“Work hard and you will be rewarded.” And I somehow continued to believe that c**p long after they themselves established a pattern of never rewarding my hard work, while harshly punishing my failures.

In their defense, they’ve come around to understand both the double-standard they applied to me and the inherent b******t of the saying itself.


That you will drown and die if you swim after you eat.


“Washing your hands in the kitchen sink is bad luck.” They told me it was from the old country and I didn’t learn it was a lie until a few months ago. I told my girlfriend that and she texted my mom to ask if it was true. My mom responded “I just said that to keep them out of the kitchen. Men are so easy to trick!”